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Evidence Based Integrative Medicine

Autoimmune Diseases

Thyroid and Hashimotos Disease

Natural Approach to Menstrual and Menopausal Symptoms

Healing Patients With Comprehensive Medical Care

The Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine opened in February of 2001. Its vision was conceived and created by Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar M.D., who after more than a decade of medical practice concluded that Health Care was lacking in its core mission to facilitate true health and healing. The Ommani Center has been one of the most successful integrative medical centers in the U.S. and has elevated the quality and standard of patient care currently lacking in health care today. In addition, it has saved millions in health care costs through Dr. Kumar’s innovative, integrative Four Body System™ approach to patient care.

The center is located in a natural setting with beautiful views overlooking a wetland marsh conservancy. The layout was designed by an anthroposophic architect to maximize a feeling of comfort and healing for practitioners and clients.

Dr. Kumar In The Media

Listen to Dr. Kumar’s latest podcast interviews

Dr. Kumar’s Evidence Based Model for Integrative Medicine

 How to Navigate Menopause Gracefully and Safely

Watch Dr. Kumar’s Webinars

Sign up for our Newsletter


February 19, 2024, was the 23rd Anniversary of The Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine.

On this special day, I would like to thank ALL OF YOU for supporting our sacred work over the years, to reclaim your health. I still remember the day our doors opened in 2001 and how eager you were to experience healing and inner growth that was safe, effective, and integrative. Over time, we have grown together in love, support, and relationship, keeping the TRUE definition of Medicine alive.
So many of you have shared your kind words of gratitude over the years. As a gift to the Ommani Center for this special day, please consider writing a testimonial about your experience of healing on Google or email it to
In Love and Gratitude,
Dr. Rose Kumar MD

family in field

Taking an Integrative Approach Towards Illness & Health

Our mission is to emphasize prevention and maximize healing by addressing root causes of illness with evidence-based medical and complementary therapies.

To facilitate patient-centered healing, empowerment, and vitality through evidence-based Integrative Medicine delivered authentically and respectfully with the highest standard of care and expertise.

What an Amazing Journey

The Ommani Center celebrated its 23rd Anniversary on February 19th, 2024.
So many of you have shared your kind words of gratitude with us. Please remember to share these words with others. We would be so grateful if you could offer us the gift of an online review on our Google or Facebook page.

In Deep Gratitude,
Dr. Kumar, her staff and practitioners at The Ommani Center

Leave a Google Review Leave a Facebook Review

woman standing on a rock in lake

The Ommani Center Vision

  • Create the highest ‘standard-of-care’ model for Integrative Medicine
  • Offer a Medical framework that results in core healing
  • Emphasize the power of ‘Lifestyle Medicine’
  • Educate patients about the power of ‘food as medicine’
  • Educate and engage patients in taking responsibility for their health
  • Realign Health Care with the vocation of Medicine
  • Practice cost effective Medical care
  • Function as a ‘green’ and sustainable business model

The Ommani Center

1166 Quail Court, Suite 210
Pewaukee, WI 53072



Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: CLOSED

Holiday Hours
New Year 1/1/24: Closed
Memorial Day 5/27/24: Closed
July 4th Day 7/4/24: Closed
Labor Day 9/2/24: Closed
Thanksgiving 11/27/24: 8:30AM-12PM
Thanksgiving 11/28-29/24: Closed
Christmas 12/24-25/24: Closed

1166 Quail Ct # 210, Pewaukee, WI 53072, USA