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Laurie Sullivan, Certified Health and Life Coach

Meet Laurie Sullivan, Certified Health and Life Coach

Losing my mom to cancer at an early age and growing up in an alcoholic family system served as growth catalysts to seek answers to what makes life better rather than worse. A passion for healing inspired me to study and work in the medical and wellness sectors. I’m honored to serve as a part of The Ommani Center’s team and look forward to empowering clients to lead their best life safely and naturally.


You can schedule an  appointment by calling our office at 262-695-5311.

If you have specific questions relating to Laurie’s services please feel free to email us at

The Health Coach Institute Coaching Process

The Health Coach Institute coaching process empowers clients to draw upon internal strengths, develop self-knowledge, and embrace strategies for making healthy lifestyle changes with:

  • one-on-one coaching: nonjudgmental listening, mindset skills, and ongoing encouragement support you to clarify your health and life goals, identify potential road blocks that may be stopping you or slowing you down from making genuine progress, and create actionable steps to achieve your goals one step at a time,
  • evidence-based lifestyle education: personalized to your specific lifestyle goals and needs.
  • whole foods nutrition: recipes and tips to support healthy metabolism, sustained energy, mental clarity, and emotional balance instead of sugar craving, mood swings, and exhaustion.
  • stress management: learn simple yet effective mindfulness and visualization skills for self-calming and self-regulation. Enhance mental clarity, emotional intelligence, resilience, joy and so much more naturally.
  • stepwise approach to healthy habit change fosters confidence rather than overwhelm.

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

 – CS Lewis

Evidence Based Integrative Medicine